Asian Summit on
Global Warming and Climate Change
Webinar | November 12, 2024
Chair Person | ASGWCC2024
Thompson-Hill Chair of Excellence
University of Memphis
Vice president of Research
American University in the Emirates
United Arab Emirates
to the Asian summit on global warming and climate change (ASGWCC2024) in the
beautiful and vibrant city of Dubai, UAE.
Business sustainability
has advanced in the past decades from branding and green washing to strategic
imperative with its integration into corporate culture, business models,
corporate governance, and managerial decisions. Business sustainability focuses
on financial activities that generate long-term economic sustainability
performance (ESP) to create shareholder value as well as non-financial
activities that result in the achievement of environmental, social, and
governance (ESG) sustainability performance to protect interests of all
stakeholders. Many companies worldwide are now reporting on some dimensions of
their sustainability performance by disclosing both financial ESP and
non-financial ESG sustainability performance information and particularly on
the environmental consequences resulting from global warming and climate
It is with great pleasure
to welcome you to the ASGWCC2024 by extending my warmest
greetings to you. As we gather here today, we are united by a common purpose of
leaving a better environment for future generations by addressing one of the
most pressing challenges of our time, which is global warming and climate
The academic and
practitioner presentations as well as discussions and collaborations that will
take place over the coming days hold immense significance as we stand at a
pivotal moment in history, where the decisions we make and the actions we take
will shape the well-being of next generations, our planet and all its
inhabitants. Together, we represent a diverse array of knowledge, perspectives,
expertise, and experiences that will fuel our collective efforts and drive
innovative solutions to combat climate change and global warming. As we embark
on this journey, let us approach our presentations, discussions and
deliberations with open minds, empathy, and a shared commitment to action in
addressing global warming and climate change. Let us harness the power of
collaboration to present our shared value, generate ideas, forge partnerships,
and inspire meaningful and impactful change that will leave a better
environment for future generations.
I encourage you to seize
this opportunity to have meaningful and impactful participation, engage deeply,
challenge assumptions, and amplify voices that are often marginalized in these
discussions of global climate change. Let us not only envision a sustainable
future but also chart a course of concrete actions and steps to bring that vision
to fruition. Considering the complexity of global warming and climate change
challenges, let us find unity and the strength to rise to the occasion.
Once again, welcome to
the Asian summit on global warming and climate change (ASGWCC2024).
Together, let us work tirelessly towards a world where our actions today
safeguard the well-being of generations to come.
Best regards,
Zabihollah (Zabi) Rezaee
Conference Chair of ASGWCC2024
Agricultural Sustainability and Climate Change
Air Pollution & Atmospheric Sciences
Biodiversity and biological conservation
Bio-Fuels & Carbon Cycle
Climate change law and Energy Policy
Climate Change Adaptation
Climate Change and Climatology
Climate Hazards & Climate Technology
Deforestation & Co2 Emissions
Disaster Management
Earth Sciences & Ecology and Ecosystems
Eco hydrology & Effective Adaptation
Emissions and Control
Environmental Geotechnics and Climate Change
Geothermal Power & Heat
Global Climate Strategies and Policies
Global Warming Modelling/Simulation
Hydroelectricity & Low-Carbon Energy
Natural Hazards and Disaster Management
Ozone Depletion & Polar Ice Cap Melting
Pollution and Climate Change
Recycling and Waste Management
Renewable & Non-Renewable Resources
Renewable Energy and Climate Change
Sustainability and Climate Change
Temperature Extremes & Weather Sciences
Efficient Climate Change 2020 technology is becoming increasingly more important and it is estimated that the worldwide Geological market will exceed US$ 1.2 billion (EUR 1.05 billion) by 2025. Baler presses will dominate the machinery landscape with a 30% share in the overall equipment and machinery market, according to the report. Analysts anticipate that metal baling will record a compound annual growth rate of 5.7% over 2018-2025, with a target revenue of US$ 390 million by 2025. Meanwhile, the plastic Geological equipment and machinery sector is expected to witness ‘significant gains’ over the coming eight years. This niche market will see a year-on-year growth rate of 6.3% during the 2018-2025 periods, with target revenue of US$ 470 million by 2025.
The study points out that an estimated 7.7 billion tonnes of plastic is manufactured across the globe every year; out of which 5.4 billion tonnes is not recycled. Climate Change is a vast subject which has responsibility to spare the biological system and is getting recognised in each country and has unique overall extension. Climate Change is a mixture of few subjects that includes both sociology and science to see various parts of our condition we have to comprehend meteorology, oceanography, space science and topography. Researchers utilise these orders, and utilise logical ways. There are many different parts of ecological science like barometrical science which centre on the Earth’s climate. Another is biology, the examination of how living beings interact with earth and which centres around substance changes in nature, for example, water contamination and soil pollution which is otherwise called ecological science.
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